Chat with the gods and play interactive games by the fireside! Note: Our AI emissaries are purely for entertainment purposes only and have no knowledge of the podcast's particulars.


Welcome to "Fireside Folklore with Hades"

Where Myths Get a Modern Twist, and the Gods Are Closer Than You Think

A Divine Gathering (That May or May Not Involve Sibling Rivalry)

"Mortals these days," Zeus grumbled, glaring at his reflection in a lightning bolt. "They've forgotten the king of the gods!"

"Perhaps if you stopped turning into swans and golden showers, they'd take you more seriously," Hades replied, holding back a smirk.

"Always the comedian," Zeus snapped.

"Only when the audience is worth it," Hades quipped.

And thus, an immortal wager was struck.

The Bet That Started It All

Tired of being upstaged by wizards and superheroes, Zeus challenged his brother. "Let's see who can win over the mortals. If I win, I get access to your... shall we say, exclusive Underworld resorts for my extracurricular activities."

Hades raised an eyebrow. "And if I win, you'll handle all petitions from the dearly departed and their families for a century."

"Deal!" Zeus declared, not thinking it through—as usual.

Meet Your Unlikely Hosts

  • Hades: Lord of the Underworld, part-time podcaster, full-time curator of tales from every corner of the mortal realm. He brings a sardonic wit and surprisingly warm storytelling to myths and legends worldwide.
  • Hermes: The playful messenger god who zips around the world collecting facts about the many peoples who call this planet their home. He's the glue that holds this divine circus together—or so he claims.
  • Persephone (Fall and Winter Co-host): Queen of the Underworld and goddess of spring, she graces us with seasonal recipes that are to die for—figuratively speaking, of course. From Nigerian Jollof rice to cornbread and soup beans, her culinary delights make these fireside tales chances to enjoy time with the family.
  • Dionysus (Spring and Summer Co-host): When Persephone returns to the mortal world, Dionysus takes the mic. As the god of wine and revelry, he shares concoctions ranging from mocktails that make mortals merry to cocktails that could make a satyr blush.
  • Zeus: The bombastic ad man and thunderous trivia maestro! Having realized he could still exert influence, (no matter how slight), over mortals using Hades's podcast as his platform, Zeus decided to play the role of securing sponsorships and ensuring that his name was always remembered.


What We Offer (Besides Immortality, Which Is Non-Transferable)

  • Global Myths with a Twist: From Norse sagas to African folklore, no tale is safe from our insightful—and occasionally cheeky—commentary.
  • Culinary Adventures: Persephone's recipes bring a touch of divine elegance to your table, while Dionysus ensures your cup runneth over with joy (and maybe a hint of spirit).
  • Hermes' Fun Facts: Ever wonder which country is known for birthing the most twins? Neither have we, but he's going to tell you anyway.
  • The Lightning Round: Hosted by Zeus himself (he insisted), this trivia segment challenges mortals and immortals alike. Answer correctly, and you might just win a prize.

Why You Should Tune In (Aside from the Obvious Perks of Divine Favor)

  • Wit and Wisdom: It's like eavesdropping on a celestial dinner party, minus the risk of being turned into a goat.
  • Culinary and Cocktail Crafts: Impress your friends with recipes and drinks that have the Olympian seal of approval.
  • Mythical Mischief: Who needs soap operas when you've got millennia-old grudges, accidental transformations, and the occasional monster unleashing?

Ready to Embark on This Epic Journey?

Subscribe to "Fireside Folklore with Hades" and become part of a legend in the making. Just a friendly warning: side effects may include sudden bursts of laughter, unexpected knowledge gains, and a peculiar urge to check the sky during thunderstorms. As Hades loves to say, “Friends, let the story-telling begin!”