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Cloud Camels, A Clever Folktale from Yemen; Episode 5, Season 2 of Fireside Folklore with Hades
Cloud Camels, A Clever Folktale from Yemen; Episode 5, Seas…
Send over your dead SMS messages. Greetings, listeners! My apologies for the delay getting this particular episode to you. Managing the Und…
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April 19, 2024

Cloud Camels, A Clever Folktale from Yemen; Episode 5, Season 2 of Fireside Folklore with Hades

Cloud Camels, A Clever Folktale from Yemen; Episode 5, Season 2 of Fireside Folklore with Hades

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Greetings, listeners! My apologies for the delay getting this particular episode to you. Managing the Underworld's affairs has been quite the handful these days, what with Persephone absent and the mortal world being quite wrought with turmoil of late. This week, our journey takes us to the country of Yemen. Though they are one of the poorest countries in the world as a result of a civil war that's lasted more than a decade, the Yemenis are a resilient people. We chose to spotlight them because of their continued embargo to prevent the further persecution of Palestinian civilians. This tale, "Cloud Camels", is a lighthearted jaunt into the clever ways of a Shaykh who outwitted a greedy sultan and saved his village from ruin. 
Dionysus gave us a recipe for a Socotra Island punch, which sounds absolutely divine and just what I need right now to deal with my workload! As ever, Hermes found us some fun facts about Yemen, including the tidbit that their aforementioned Socotra Island is home to some plants and animals not found anywhere else. Don't forget to participate in this week's Lightning Round, if you'd care to buy some Yemeni coffee, or something else on Etsy. 
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Next time, we will return for our third sojourn in Palestine, where we'll be hearing the story of "The Golden Pail". It's shaping up to be an epic tale, so it may take my Olympian family a bit of time and rehearsal, but I'll be sure to get the Erinyes to ensure our performance is nothing short of stellar. Until then, may your hearths be warm, and your spirits brighter. Hail to thee, and farewell.