Chat with the gods and play interactive games by the fireside! Note: Our AI emissaries are purely for entertainment purposes only and have no knowledge of the podcast's particulars.
Cursed Into Secrecy, Part 2, An Underworld Adaptation of the German Tale Faithful John, Episode 20B of Fireside Folklore with Hades
Cursed Into Secrecy, Part 2, An Underworld Adaptation of th…
Send over your dead SMS messages. Greetings, listeners! In this final installment of "Cursed Into Secrecy", Charon and Nyx have the showdow…
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Feb. 23, 2024

Cursed Into Secrecy, Part 2, An Underworld Adaptation of the German Tale Faithful John, Episode 20B of Fireside Folklore with Hades

Cursed Into Secrecy, Part 2, An Underworld Adaptation of the German Tale Faithful John, Episode 20B of Fireside Folklore with Hades

Send over your dead SMS messages.

Greetings, listeners! In this final installment of "Cursed Into Secrecy", Charon and Nyx have the showdown of a lifetime as they heatedly discuss whether Hades is a manipulative and controlling god who merely enjoys playing games with those in his dominion, or a concerned friend who is trying to keep their wedding safe from the machinations of evildoers. Charon must learn the skills of espionage as he skulks through the palace and eavesdrops on Hades and Persephone as Persephone expresses concern about his squirrely behavior. From the forge of Hephaestus to the caves at the southern bank of the Lethe, this episode takes us throughout the realm in order to find answers about who's guilty and who's just been misunderstood. 

Of course, those who enjoy happy endings (thank you, Hollywood!), will find that this tale, just like many others we have featured, ends with the bad guy (or lass, in this case), getting her just desserts! And you may be witness to one of the world's weddings where someone objected to the union, or perhaps that was just an objection to holding their peace. 

If you liked this Underworld twist on the German tale "Faithful John", drop us a dead letter at Requests for folklore, questions about what it's like to deal with shades on the ferry, and gossip from the world above may also be sent there, too. 

Next time, we'll be kicking off our second season with a tale from Syria. If you were suddenly approached by a beautiful wealthy woman who claimed she was your sister, and you knew you didn't have one, what would you do? Hint: don't do what our hapless woodcutter does, or you might end up in a pickle. 


Episode 20 - Cursed Into Secrecy, Part 2.wav

[00:00:00] Nyx: Charon! How did Hades come to officiate our wedding? Was this just one more thing he orchestrated? One more manipulation in his web of schemes?


[00:00:08] Charon: Orchestrated? Web of schemes? Nyx! Hades is not just the ruler of this realm! He is a mentor and friend I respect deeply!


[00:00:15] Nyx: Respect deeply? How can you possibly respect someone who would go behind your back and switch out our rehearsal dinner dessert? How could you trust someone who slips a potion of unknown intentions into your drink? And what do you make of a god who would use his command over the shadows to compel me to give him the cloak Eros gifted to me? And for a fever which is clearly another untruth in his twisted game?


[00:00:39] Charon: Potion? What potion? That drink was nothing but a cocktail! You sipped on it yourself! And what ill effects are you feeling?


[00:00:48] Nyx: That’s not the point! The point is that our wedding has become a game for a god, rather than a time of love and joy!


[00:00:55] Charon: A game? Nyx, you think I would ever treat our wedding as anything less than sacred? I involved Hades out of respect and a desire for his blessing, not to turn our union into a spectacle!


[00:01:07] Nyx: But can't you see? Whether you intended it or not, his involvement has introduced elements we neither needed nor wanted. Our wedding should be about us, our commitment, not about navigating the whims of gods!


[00:01:21] Charon: His 'whims,' as you call them, have always been in service of keeping the balance, Nyx. You of all people should understand the weight of responsibility. Hades's actions, however cryptic, are not without reason.


[00:01:33] Nyx: Responsibility does not grant one the liberty to meddle in the lives of others without their consent, Charon. Our wedding is not a chessboard for Hades or any other deity to maneuver their pieces upon. It's our moment, and it's being overshadowed by these... these machinations!


[00:01:49] Charon: You're letting your distrust of Hades cloud your judgment. My decision to involve him was made with the best of intentions—for us.


[00:01:56] Nyx: And yet, those 'best intentions' have led us here, Charon, to a place of contention and misunderstanding. If this is the outcome of Hades's blessings, then perhaps we were better off without them.


[00:02:07] Charon: [Frustration and hurt bubble up, his voice strained.] So, what would you have me do, Nyx? Denounce my friend and mentor, the god who has stood by me, just to ease your doubts? What would Hades gain by breaking up our union?


[00:02:19] Nyx: Oh, I don’t know. Maybe he’d have a ferryman at his beck and call, rain or shine, who never took any time off. Maybe he’d have someone to sing his praises from the tops of the cypress trees like a cock crows to announce the dawn.


[00:02:29] Charon: [Taking a deep, slow breath, Charon's frustration gives way to a solemn tone, his voice carrying the weight of years spent in service and camaraderie with Hades.] Nyx, to view Hades as merely a god playing games with our lives is to misunderstand the very essence of who he is, of the integrity he possesses. The moment anyone learns that he is the lord of the Underworld, all they can think of is his dominion over the dead and those seemingly merciless dark eyes. Still waters run deep and Hades is actually a deity of profound emotion. He not only possesses integrity, but his capacity for love and loyalty are immense.


[00:02:49] You see, Hades has stood by me not just as a ruler or a mentor, but as a true friend. When the weight of my duties threatened to drag me down into the depths of despair, it was Hades who taught me to appreciate and understand the necessity of our work. He showed me that even in the darkest corners of existence, there is dignity, there is purpose.


[00:03:12] And yes, Hades has his ways, cloaked in mystery, decisions that may seem unfathomable from the outside. But every action and decree is made with the well-being of the Underworld in mind. His is a perspective born of eons, of watching the cycles of life and death, of love and loss. It's a perspective that demands respect, even when we may not fully understand or agree with his why.


[00:03:35] Remember the time when the River Acheron overflowed, threatening to flood the Asphodel Meadows? It was Hades who orchestrated the construction of new channels, saving countless souls from being washed away. Or the famine that once gripped the Elysian Fields, where he personally negotiated with Demeter to ensure the fields were rejuvenated? These are not the acts of a deity who plays games with his subjects' lives. They are the actions of a god who, in his own way, cares deeply about his realm and its inhabitants.


[00:04:08] My faith in Hades is not blind, Nyx. It's built on years of witnessing his fair judgment, unwavering commitment to the Underworld, and unexpected moments of kindness. Yes, he took your cloak, changed our dessert, and might have put a potion into my drink, but I assure you that these acts were not for his own personal gain. His reasons may be shrouded in shadows now, but I am confident that we will receive answers in due time. If Hades insists on something, it's because he foresees a threat we do not, a danger he's striving to protect us from.


[00:04:42] I asked Hades to officiate our wedding because I believed his blessing would fortify our union against any unseen trials. Not to place us as pawns in a divine game, but to shield us with the strength and wisdom only he could offer. Perhaps that was my mistake, not foreseeing the shadow it would cast on our moment.


[00:05:02] But if my trust in him, and the enduring friendship we share, has brought us to this rift between us... then, Nyx, I am at a loss. I cannot renounce my respect for Hades any more than I can quell my love for you. But nor can I stand here and watch as that love is questioned, as our future hangs in the balance over misunderstandings and mistrust. Our wedding, meant to be a celebration of our union, should not be overshadowed by these conflicts.


[00:05:31] So, Nyx, I will step away now, not to abandon our plans or our love, but to give us both the space to reflect on what truly matters. Our wedding tomorrow is not just a ceremony; it's a culmination of the journey we’ve taken, a journey I still believe in, with every fiber of my being. Perhaps during our time away, we can gain clarity in how our love can flourish alongside my enduring friendship with Hades.


[00:05:57] This isn't about choosing one over the other, but about understanding that our marriage can coexist with the bonds we hold outside of it. My friendship with Hades, much like our love, is built on a foundation of trust and shared experiences. It's my hope that we can see this not as a division but as an opportunity to welcome and embrace more than one connection. Someday, I hope that you too will feel the depth of Hades’s goodness and share in the friendship that he and I already share.


[00:06:22] Tomorrow, as the dawn ushers in our day of union, let it also bring with it a renewed understanding and appreciation for the complexity of our lives and relationships. I stand ready, Nyx, to walk beside you, not just in the light of our love, but in the shadow of our challenges, forging a path that honors both our bond and the friendships that have shaped us.


[00:06:43] [Charon walks away.]


[00:06:45] [The voices of Hades and Persephone become progressively louder as Charon walks. He stops to listen.]


[00:06:53] Persephone: Hades, are you upset that Charon and Nyx are getting married?


[00:06:56] Hades: Far from it, my dear. I’m glad that Charon has finally tied the knot. He’s had his eyes on Nyx for centuries, and I never thought he would leave that ferry to entertain the idea of a relationship with her.


[00:07:07] Persephone: Really? Then why have you been acting so strangely? Why did you take Nyx’s cloak? You had that dark aura about you when you asked for it, as though you were wielding your divine will. You know that we, as gods, should be wary of how we use it. Nyx, a primordial deity, is far more powerful than most, and had she not been preoccupied with her wedding preparations, she might have fought back and laid a curse upon you!


[00:07:33] Hades: Ah, my dear Persephone, if Nyx were to curse me, it would merely be the continuation of a divine tradition. Imagine for a moment, Eris lighting a torch and brandishing the flame of her divine wrath upon Nyx, who then took that same torch and turned it upon me. It would indeed keep the fire of divine retribution roaring merrily. Wouldn't you agree?


[00:07:55] Persephone: Eris? You’ve been entangled in her webs without so much as a word to me?


[00:08:00] Hades: Eris has indeed woven her mischief into the fabric of this occasion. While I dare not voice the nature of her interventions directly, lest it bring misfortune upon our union, rest assured, my actions aim to safeguard our realm and its inhabitants from her malice.


[00:08:15] Persephone: We stand together, Hades. In ruling this realm and in facing its trials. Let’s confront this challenge as we have all others—with unity and wisdom.


[00:08:26] Hades: Indeed, my queen. Your insight and courage are the lighthouses guiding us through stormy seas. Let us then seek Hephaestus's unparalleled skills. A replica of Nyx's cloak, indistinguishable to all but the most discerning eye, might just be the key to unwinding Eris's spite without alerting her to our awareness.


[00:08:47] Hephaestus will understand the necessity of our request. His skill in crafting will be our ally in ensuring that Nyx can celebrate her union without the shadow of Eris's curse looming over her.


[00:08:58] Persephone: Together, we will navigate this, as we have all things. Our unity is our strength, and with it, we can overcome even the darkest of curses.


[00:09:09] [Hades and Persephone walk away, towards Hephaestus’s forge.]


[00:09:13] Charon: [Monologue] I knew it! Hades, my dear friend, had a very good reason for taking Nyx’s cloak, changing our dessert, and slipping a potion into my Styx’s whisper. Nyx, not having interacted with Hades on a regular basis the way I have, has likely been colored by the perspectives of those who see him as nothing but a stern and implacable ruler whose decisions are all made solely for the smooth operation of his shadowy realm. However, I have seen otherwise. There was a time when I was at the brink of despair when a manmade famine gripped a nation and I had to ferry thousands of children across the Styx.


[00:09:55] It was a time darker than the deepest abyss of Tartarus. The wails of the innocent souls weighed heavily upon my heart, each crossing not just a passage, but a stark reminder of the fragility of life and the indiscriminate nature of death. Yet, in this bleak hour, Hades stood not aloof, but alongside me, his presence a silent pillar of strength.


[00:10:18] Hades, sensing the toll this was taking on me, took it upon himself to lighten the burden in ways only he could. With a cunning that rivals Athena's wisdom and a compassion rarely seen in the annals of our divine narratives, he devised a plan. Hades, in his infinite wisdom, established a grove in the Elysian Fields, a sanctuary where the souls of these children could find peace, play, and laughter—a respite from their untimely fates.


[00:10:46] But his kindness did not stop at mere gestures of comfort. Hades, understanding the profound loneliness that comes with my eternal duty, began to visit me more frequently during these crossings. He shared stories of the world above, tales of heroism, love, and the occasional folly of gods and mortals alike. These stories, though simple, were a balm to my weary soul, reminding me that there is beauty even in the darkest of times.


[00:11:15] And then there was the incident with the lost soul of a poet, whose works were on the verge of being forgotten in the mortal realm. Hades, recognizing the value of the poet's contributions, orchestrated a series of dreams to a living descendant, inspiring her to rediscover and publish her ancestor's works, thus ensuring his legacy endured. This act of kindness was not for the sake of rule or dominion, but a genuine desire to see justice served in the realm of legacy and memory.


[00:11:47] These are but glimpses of the depth and complexity of Hades' character, a god who rules not with an iron fist but with a thoughtful heart, guided by a profound understanding of life's delicate balance and the value of every soul that crosses into his domain.


[00:12:04] A god whose heart has such a deep and profound capacity for love—a love as permanent and enduring as death itself—would not fall prey to the caprices of jealousy, the insidiousness of greed, or the pettiness of resentment. No, I had every confidence that Hades acted out of a desire to ensure my well-being. And now, I see that my loyalty was not misplaced. I must find Eris and see if I can extract information from her, in one way or another.


[00:12:34] [Forge ambiance.]


[00:12:35] Hephaestus: Uncle Hades! Aunt Persephone! This is a surprise. I thought you were all preparing for the wedding of Charon and Nyx.


[00:12:43] Hades: Oh, we are. You see, a cursed cloak was given to the couple, and it needs to be replaced with a cloak just as beautiful—an exact replica, in fact—but one free of any malediction or curse.


[00:12:54] Hephaestus: Though I am most known for my talents at the forge, my skills span many domains, including those of ceramics, metalwork, and glass-blowing, among others. I shall create a cloak from the shadows and replicate the one you have given to me, then we can enlist the help of Hecate to destroy the one that was given to Charon and Nyx.


[00:13:15] Persephone: Thank you, Hephaestus. Our gratitude knows no bounds.


[00:13:19] [Charon walks along the Styx, looking out for Eris.]


[00:13:29] Patroclus: Charon? I thought you were getting married.


[00:13:32] Charon: Oh, I am. Did you come out of Elysium to take over the ferry?


[00:13:35] Patroclus: Yes. Lord Hades asked me to do so, just until the conclusion of the wedding, at which point he had plans to return and continue while you took your honeymoon.


[00:13:44] Charon: Thank you so much. I know that coming out of Elysium isn’t a small ask. May I ride with you awhile? I’d like to maneuver to the southern banks of the Lethe, where the caves of Obsidian Veil lie. Eris is known to frequent these caverns, shrouded in the mysteries that only she can weave. Perhaps there, amid the whispers of shadows and the echo of ancient enmities, I might find her and learn about the specifics of her part in my wedding’s chaos.


[00:14:10] Patroclus: Very well. To the caves we shall go.


[00:14:13] Charon: There doesn’t seem to be anybody here. We’ve been wandering this labyrinth for almost half an hour now and there’s a line of souls waiting to take the ferry, I bet. It’s maddening! I thought for sure that we’d be able to hear Eris crowing about her accomplishments or bemoaning the fact that someone foiled her schemes.


[00:14:35] Patroclus: Pardon me for asking this question, but is Lord Hades still … hmm, how does one put this? Is he still reluctant to modernize things? I mean, does your ferry have any kind of surveillance equipment? Something that might have captured whatever Lord Hades heard while he was ferrying the souls earlier?


[00:14:52] Charon: By Hades’s beard! Patroclus, you are brilliant! We do have surveillance equipment on the ferry. I convinced our good king to get some so that we could root out anyone who tried to cheat by not paying their obol, or tried to con their fellow souls in any way. Honestly, I doubt he even remembers we have it. Let’s roll this tape. When did he ask you to ferry the craft?


[00:15:15] Patroclus: If I had to guess then I’d say it was just before six.


[00:15:20] Charon: Good. Now let’s turn off this recorder and rewind it a bit. With any luck, we’ll be able to have a listen and learn everything that Lord Hades learned which led him to act so strangely at the rehearsal dinner.


[00:15:31] [Charon rewinds the tape recorder and presses play.]


[00:15:32] Eris: Ah, a wedding. What fun! It’s the perfect way to see just how well these two really love each other, but how can I ensure that my plans aren’t thwarted? Ah, I know! I shall curse my gifts so that whomsoever reveals my curse will find themselves speaking in rhyming couplets until they have lost their own true love! That should deter any possible eaves droppers from talking.


[00:16:06] Hades: Ah, Eris wishes to disrupt this joyous occasion. As both the ruler of this realm and a friend to the couple, I cannot allow this to take place. Therefore, I will simply need to learn as much as I can about Eris’s mischief, and stop it, no matter the cost.


[00:16:21] Eris: When Charon and Nyx are at the rehearsal dinner, they will come upon this apple—an apple that Nyx will not be able to resist. However, the moment she eats it, the cosmos will begin to devour her divine power. Each time she uses her power, the stars in the sky will become brighter, and she will become weaker! It will be a marvelous thing to watch a goddess fall!


[00:16:42] Hades: I must endeavor to destroy that apple or eat it myself. As it is a curse solely meant for Nyx, I should be able to withstand its malevolent magic.


[00:16:53] Eris: And this emerald ring, which Charon will find himself wanting to pick up, has a drop of the Lethe’s water in its center. The moment he puts it on, he’ll find himself unable to remember his love for Nyx at all. Oh, how very tragic it will be for Nyx to lose not only her power, but her love as well! Mwahahahaha!


[00:17:12] Hades: Ugh! The water of the Lethe is dangerous. I must ensure that this is handled with care, for if I break the ring in any way, I will end up dispersing the mist and causing more harm than even Eris intended. Perhaps, a potion of remembrance crafted with assistance from the titaness Mnemosyne will allow Charon to wear it without affecting his memory of Nyx.


[00:17:32] Eris: Finally, if by some miracle the happy couple manages to bypass all of these curses, then this cloak should do the trick. Woven from the Underworld’s darkest shadows, Nyx won’t be able to resist the urge to put it on and use it as her bridal dress. However, the moment that she and Charon ties the knot and their lips meet, the cloak’s magic will take hold and both Nyx and her memory will vanish into the ether, with Charon’s memory of both their love and her existence forever swallowed up by the shadows. Mwahahahaha!


[00:18:03] Hades: The situation before me is as perilous as the journey of Orpheus into the depths of my realm, filled with trials that could sever the strongest of bonds. If I do not intervene to seize the cloak, Charon's memories of Nyx could be erased, an act so final that not even a potion from Mnemosyne could mend. Yet, should Nyx don the cloak, the curse's delay until their first kiss as a married couple places me in a precarious position. Acting beforehand could be misconstrued as opposition to their union, a misinterpretation which could cost my friendship with them both. Nevertheless, I must do what I can to ensure that this wedding is protected from Eris’s malicious intent.


[00:18:45] [Charon stops the recorder with a deep sense of gratitude and understanding.]


[00:18:48] Charon: So, Lord Hades was protecting us from Eris’s curses, and he was forced to remain silent because had he divulged the full nature of Eris’s curses, then he would have been doomed to speak in rhyming couplets until he lost his own true love, Queen Persephone. And though our friendship is strong, his love for Persephone trumps everything, and he did everything to protect both it and us. With the apple discarded, a memory potion from Mnemosyne in me, and Nyx’s cloak in his possession, Lord Hades kept us safe from Eris’s malice. And how did we repay him? Oh Patroclus! How may I make amends with Lord Hades, my dear mentor and friend?


[00:19:28] Patroclus: Charon, I don’t think your loyalty is in question. It is Nyx who doubted Hades’s intentions, was it not? Then it is she who must be the one to open both her eyes and heart to the truth.


[00:19:40] Charon: But how can I share any of this with her without being afflicted by the curse of the rhyming couplets myself? Despite this tumultuous evening, I do still love her and don’t want to lose her.


[00:19:52] Patroclus: Give her the opportunity to listen to the recording. It should help her understand why the rehearsal dinner was fraught with seemingly controlling behavior from Hades.


[00:20:01] Charon: Good idea. Hopefully I can find Nyx.


[00:20:03] [The next morning.]


[00:20:04] Hades: Nevertheless, I must do what I can to ensure that this wedding is protected from Eris’s malicious intent.


[00:20:11] [Charon stops the tape recorder.]


[00:20:13] Nyx: Charon, you were right. Hades was merely trying to protect our union, and I, in my envy over your close friendship, failed to trust either you or him. How will I ever make amends?


[00:20:26] Hermes: [Interrupting the couple.] Nyx, I have a package for you. Lord Hades sends it with his regards.


[00:20:33] Nyx: Lord Hades? Thank you, Hermes, though I can’t imagine he would have any wish to send me anything but Tartarian scorpions at this point.


[00:20:41] [Nyx unwraps the package as Hermes flies off.]


[00:20:48] Nyx: Charon! It’s the cloak! He sent it back to me! Is this an act of revenge? Am I to believe that he, in a moment of wrath, sent it to me in the hopes of ending my marriage after all?


[00:21:00] Charon: Nyx, Lord Hades is one of very few gods not known for wrath.


[00:21:04] Nyx: Then why would he send it back to me?


[00:21:07] Charon: There’s a note. Why don’t you read it?


[00:21:09] Nyx: Very well. I hope it explains everything.


[00:21:12] [Nyx unfolds the note.]


[00:21:13] Nyx: My dear Nyx, …


[00:21:14] Hades: By the time you receive this, I suspect you would already have heard the recording captured on the ferry which inadvertently caught our dear friend Eris blathering on about her devious machinations to disrupt your wedding. This cloak, which I am returning to you, is not the one you were originally given. It was crafted by Hephaestus himself, and woven within its fabric you will find an illustrious insignia created from the shadows featuring an anvil and a golden hammer, the mark of Hephaestus, the master craftsman who could not resist adding his own touch to your gift. May it serve you well as you walk down the aisle and intertwine your life with Charon’s. May your friendship, loyalty, love, and trust endure through the millennia.


[00:21:56] Warmly,


[00:21:57] Hades


[00:21:58] Nyx: Oh, how wrong I have been. Because of my doubt and jealousy, lord Hades isn’t officiating our union, something which was meaningful to you, Charon. It sounded like he wasn’t even going to be at our ceremony at all.


[00:22:09] Charon: Indeed. It is regrettable but what can we do?


[00:22:12] [Eris is in a cave by the River Styx, bemoaning her lot.]


[00:22:14] Eris: The wedding I sought to thoroughly destroy,


[00:22:15] Has escaped my every machination and ploy.


[00:22:17] The apple which should have stolen Nyx’s power,


[00:22:20] Was pulled from her at the eleventh hour.


[00:22:22] Though Charon’s ring was worn with pride,


[00:22:25] His memories of Nyx were not pushed aside.


[00:22:28] Is the ferryman immune to the Lethe’s spell?


[00:22:31] Or was my ring not manufactured well?


[00:22:33] A cloak of shadows, my final ace,


[00:22:36] Yet even that vanished without a trace.


[00:22:39] Foiled by Hades, with tricks up his sleeve,


[00:22:41] My plans unraveled, I can scarcely believe.


[00:22:44] And now I rhyme, a curse most vile,


[00:22:47] I feel the churn of my stomach and the rise of my bile.


[00:22:51] Each word I speak, now bound in verse,


[00:22:53] My own chaos turned into a curse.


[00:22:56] Not one, not two, but three plans spoiled,


[00:22:58] In my own web of deceit, I'm thoroughly coiled.


[00:23:02] How did this happen, this turn of events?


[00:23:04] My own schemes used against me, it makes no sense.


[00:23:07] It matters not because one day I’m sure,


[00:23:09] I’ll be able to find a cure.


[00:23:10] Hades: [Evil laughter reverberates through the realm, reaching Eris’s hiding spot.]


[00:23:23] Hades: [Elsewhere on the river.] Ah Eris, it seems that you bit off more than you could chew. Who would have thought that a tape recorder would cause your curse to backfire?


[00:23:37] [At the wedding.]


[00:23:38] Hermes: We are gathered here today, in the vast and mysterious expanse of the Underworld, to witness and celebrate the union of two extraordinary beings: Charon, the steadfast ferryman of the Styx, whose dedication to his duty has guided countless souls to their final resting places, and Nyx, the primordial goddess of the night, whose beauty and power illuminate the darkest corners of this realm. In the presence of the gods, the spirits of the dead, and the eternal night sky under which we stand, we come together to join these two in matrimony.


[00:24:10] Today, as Hermes, the messenger of the gods and the god of communication, I have the honor of officiating this ceremony. My role as the herald between the worlds of gods and mortals, between the living and the dead, symbolizes the connection that marriage represents—a bond that transcends realms, unites differences, and enriches the universe with its harmony.


[00:24:31] Marriage is a sacred covenant, a promise made in the hearts of two individuals who choose each other above all others, to share life's journey with all its myriad paths, through trials and triumphs, through the shadows and the light. It is a partnership built on trust, respect, and an unwavering commitment to one another.


[00:24:48] Charon and Nyx, before you stand together to take these vows, know that your union is a beacon of hope and a paragon of love’s strength. It reminds us all that even in a place as ancient and solemn as the Underworld, love can flourish, bringing warmth to the chill of the eternal night and light to the shadowed waters.


[00:25:04] Now, before we proceed to the vows, I ask of those present: If there be any among you who knows of any reason why these two should not be joined in holy matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace.


[00:25:16] Charon: [Inner monologue] Though I am filled with joy on this day, there is a hole in my heart, for one who should have been present is not here. Lord Hades, my friend and mentor, if only you were with us now, blessing this union and officiating it as you ought to be.


[00:25:30] Nyx: I object.


[00:25:31] [Crowd gasps.]


[00:25:32] Nyx: I object not to the union, but to the absence of one who protected our love with the ferocity of Cerberus, the loyalty of Prince Hector, and the love of Demeter for her daughter Persephone. Had it not been for Hades’s interventions, I would have eaten an apple that led to the cosmos devouring my divine power, Charon would have fallen prey to the Lethe’s enchantments and forgotten me, and I would have become shrouded in a cloak that sucked me into the void forever. What should have been a day of love and joy would have been marked by loss and sorrow. It is only right then that this ceremony cannot conclude without him here with us. No disrespect meant to you, Lord Hermes, but …


[00:26:14] Hermes: Not to worry. I’ll deliver him to you then be on my way. There are always messages to deliver!


[00:26:18] [Hermes flies off.]


[00:26:21] Hades: As the lord of the Underworld, it is not often that I find myself in the role of a celebrant, officiating the union of two souls. Yet, today, I stand before you, not as the ruler of this shadowed realm, but as a friend and guardian to Charon and Nyx, whose love has illuminated the darkest corners of our world with its brilliance.


[00:26:45] Charon, my steadfast ferryman, your unwavering loyalty and dedication have not only ensured the safe passage of countless souls across the Styx, but have also earned you the deep respect and admiration of all who dwell within this realm. And Nyx, magnificent goddess of the night, your beauty and power have always been a source of awe and wonder, reminding us of the boundless majesty that darkness can hold.


[00:27:11] As someone who has walked these dark paths longer than most can remember, I have seen love in its many forms. I have witnessed its power to change the course of destinies, to soften the hardest of hearts, and to bring light into the darkest of places. It is love that makes the unbearable weight of eternity bearable, and it is love that reminds us of our humanity, our divinity, and our purpose.


[00:27:35] Charon and Nyx, your decision to join together in the eternal bond of marriage is a bold declaration of your love, a love that defies the very nature of this realm. It is a love that speaks of hope, resilience, and the belief in something greater than ourselves. As you stand before me, ready to intertwine your destinies, I offer you not just my blessing, but a gift that befits the depth of your bond.


[00:28:00] By the power vested in me as the ruler of the Underworld, I bestow upon you the mantle of Eternal Night and the Lantern of Guiding Light. The mantle, woven from the very essence of Nyx's domain, will protect you from the adversities that may seek to dampen your spirits, enveloping you in the comfort and safety of the night's embrace. The lantern, fueled by the unwavering spirit of Charon's duty, will illuminate your path together, guiding you through uncertainty and showing you the way forward, even in the darkest of times. Together, these gifts symbolize the balance of light and dark, of certainty and exploration, that marriage embodies.


[00:28:41] As you wear this mantle and carry this lantern, may you always find solace in each other's presence, may your love be a guiding light that never dims, and may the darkness always be a place of rest and renewal for you both.


[00:28:54] As we prepare to bind these two souls in the sanctity of marriage, I pause to honor the tradition that has governed such unions since time immemorial. If there be any among us who knows of a reason why Charon and Nyx should not be joined in matrimony, let them speak now or forever hold their peace.


[00:29:11] [After a moment of silence, the crowd applauds.]


[00:29:17] [Outro music fades in.]


[00:29:18] Hades: Well listeners, it seems I ran out of tape and the rest of Charon and Nyx's joyful wedding will have to be left to your imagination. Next time, we will commence Season 2. Our first stop on our tour of the world's folklore will be Syria, where we'll meet "The Woodcutter's Wealthy Sister". We enjoy hearing from our listeners, so if you have any folklore to share, feedback, or questions, feel free to send a dead letter to Goodnight.


[00:29:48] [Outro music fades out.]