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Hades Takes the Helm; An Underworld Adaptation of The Husband Who Was to Mind the House, , A Tale of Humility from Norway, MiniEpisode 16 of Fireside Folklore with Hades
Hades Takes the Helm; An Underworld Adaptation of The Husba…
Send over your dead SMS messages. Welcome to a special bonus mini-episode of Fireside Folklore with Hades! Today, while the main show is on…
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Jan. 13, 2024

Hades Takes the Helm; An Underworld Adaptation of The Husband Who Was to Mind the House, , A Tale of Humility from Norway, MiniEpisode 16 of Fireside Folklore with Hades

Hades Takes the Helm; An Underworld Adaptation of The Husband Who Was to Mind the House, , A Tale of Humility from Norway, MiniEpisode 16 of Fireside Folklore with Hades

Send over your dead SMS messages.

Welcome to a special bonus mini-episode of Fireside Folklore with Hades! Today, while the main show is on a brief break, we dive into a unique Underworld-style adaptation of a classic Norwegian folktale, "The Husband Who Was To Mind the House."

In this episode:

  1. Hades Takes the Helm: What happens when the Lord of the Underworld, Hades, decides to give his loyal ferryman, Charon, a much-needed break? We find Hades stepping into Charon's shoes, or rather, onto his ferry, to guide souls across the River Styx.
  2. Charon's Romantic Quest: Charon confesses his crush on Nyx, the goddess of the night, and plans to win her over. Hades, in a rare display of generosity, allows Charon to take some time off for self-improvement.
  3. Navigational Challenges: Hades discovers the unanticipated complexities of ferrying souls. From demanding spirits to the enchanting, yet disruptive, songs of the Sirens, navigating the Styx proves to be more than he bargained for.
  4. A Lesson in Humility: This episode is an amusing exploration of humility and understanding as Hades learns to appreciate the often unseen struggles of his trusty ferryman.
  5. The Message Behind the Myth: Hades relates this experience to the story about the husband and the wife, drawing parallels between the folktale where spouses switch places and his own newfound respect for Charon's duties.
  6. Closing Thoughts: Hades leaves us with a thoughtful message about walking in someone else's shoes, or in this case, steering their ferry.

Subscribe and Follow: Don't forget to subscribe to Fireside Folklore with Hades for more such enchanting tales from various mythologies, all with a unique Underworld twist. Join us next time as we continue to explore the timeless lessons hidden within ancient stories.

Contact Us: Share your thoughts about this episode or suggest a myth you'd like to hear adapted in our Underworld style at 


Hades: Charon, what are you looking at? Don’t you see that there is a line of souls waiting to board the ferry? 


Charon: Sorry boss. I … um … 


Hades: Well, what is it? Spit it out. I don’t bite. 


Charon: Oh no? Then what about the two heroes you held captive at a banquet table for … I dunno … seven hundred years? 


Hades: They were trying to take my wife. You’re my ferryman. Now tell me why you’ve been so absentminded lately. 


Charon: Ugh! Well, I guess I can’t hide anything from you! The thing is … the thing is … I’ve had a crush on Nyx for awhile now and I wanted to … 


Hades: Mmm hmmm? You wanted to … 


Charon: I don’t know. Get one of those cucumber facials at the Elysium Spa, maybe? 


Hades: You’re going to need a whole lot more than a cucumber facial to impress the goddess of the night. Tell you what? Why don’t you take a few weeks off? You could get some sunshine, sculpt your thighs, get some massages, and soak in the hot springs? 


Charon: Are you serious, boss? You’re giving me permission to … what’s the catch? There’s got to be a catch!


Hades: The catch, my friend, is that somebody will have to take over operating this ferry, and that somebody will be me. 


Charon: You? But aren’t you … I mean, isn’t this beneath your …


Hades: Nonsense! Persephone has everything under control. I can leave things in her hands for a few weeks. 


Charon: All right, Boss, if you say so. Anyway, thank you. I’ll be back in a few weeks. 


Hades: Now, how hard can it really be to maneuver this ferry? 


Soul 1: Excuse me, but I forgot my obol. May I please board, anyway? I don’t want to stay here for a hundred years!


Hades: No obol, no ride. That’s the rule, and I shall uphold it. 


Soul 2: How can you be so heartless? It’s just a coin!


Hades: It’s not just about the coin. It’s about respecting the rites of passage for the dead. 


Soul 3: Okay, jump off the ferry now, and make a run for it. He’s distracted. 


Hades: You dare to try and cheat death? Is this really what Charon must deal with? Really? 


Soul 4: Lord Hades, may I sit in the front? I get seasick. 


Hades: Pardon? Oh, erm, yes. Certainly. Go ahead and sit up front with me. 


[Sirens start singing.] 


Hades: There are sirens on the Styx? How did I not know this? Does their song affect the dead as well? No matter; I must take care of them. Shades, cover your ears! Now!


Soul 5: Lord Hades, haven’t we passed this boulder already? Twice? 


Hades: Hmm, I suppose you’re right. Who would have thought that the Styx could be so complicated to navigate? 


Naiad 1: Oh look! Sisters! Look! Can you believe it? Lord Hades is manning the ferry!


Naiad 2: You’re right! So he is!


Naiad 3: Oh, Lord Hades! We never thought we’d see you here! Please, would you give us your autograph? 


Hades: My autograph? You’ve got to be kidding me!


Naiad 1: Oh no, we’re not! We really are not, your Majesty! We’ve heard so much about your exceptional rule, and have always wanted to meet you! 


Naiad 2: Oh please, Lord Hades! We’d love your autograph. It would make our day if you just gave us one. Please? 


Hades: Very well. Where’s your quill and parchment? 


[Signs autographs.] 

Hades: Ahh! We’ve finally arrived in the Underworld. Disembark, please. 


[Souls disembark.] 


[Outro music fades in as Hades speaks.]

Hades: I have to do this all over again? Really? You know … Charon certainly has his work cut out for him. I underestimated how much work goes into safely guiding souls across the Styx and into my realm. I can only hope that he doesn’t decide to hand in his resignation after enjoying his time in Elysium. This ferry won’t drive itself so I must be off. 

My dear listeners, I hope you enjoyed this mini adaptation of “Husband and Wife”, a tale about a man who learns to appreciate the unseen struggles of his spouse. Today, I learned to value the toils and troubles of my trusty ferryman, Charon. It's a lesson in humility and understanding, one that we can all take to heart. Remember, to truly grasp another's trials, sometimes we must journey several moons in their moccasins. May your paths be as enlightening as they are unexpected. Farewell, until our next adventure on the ferry.

[Outro music, 'Crossing the Styx' plays to its conclusion.]