Chat with the gods and play interactive games by the fireside! Note: Our AI emissaries are purely for entertainment purposes only and have no knowledge of the podcast's particulars.

Our Illustrious Olympian Sponsors

Hall of the Olympian Sponsors

Greetings, mortals. Yes, it is I, Hades, God of the Underworld, overseer of wealth, and reluctant author of this… sponsor page.

Let’s get one thing clear: I never needed or wanted sponsors. As the god of wealth, I have all the riches I need buried beneath the earth. Zeus, however—ever the showman—convinced me otherwise. Something about “branding,” “visibility,” and “modern engagement metrics.” He spun tales of grandeur, flashing his thunderbolts and promising it would all benefit… well, me. A celestial coup, you could say.

Rest assured, dear mortals, that nothing you see here will ever part you from your hard-earned coins. Zeus may have his way with thunder and flair, but I, being the god of strategy (and patience), ensured that none of these so-called sponsors actually sell anything you can buy. Clever, yes? So, while Zeus gets to boast about our ‘supporters,’ I can rest easy knowing that none of you will be scammed by divine promises of ambrosia-flavored toothpaste or golden fleece jackets.

So, here they are—the illustrious Olympian sponsors. Feel free to marvel at their absurdity and thank me later for keeping your wallets safe.

Our Esteemed Sponsors

Mortals, enjoy the show. It’s a labor of love, after all.

Disclaimer: All websites linked to in this page were created using Websim AI, a company allowing the Internet to be whatever you imagine it to be. While Websim AI offers plans with daily generations ranging from 75 to 500, I have no affiliation with them, nor do I earn commissions from these links. The sponsor sites are purely fictitious creations prompted on-the-fly for your entertainment.