Chat with the gods and play interactive games by the fireside! Note: Our AI emissaries are purely for entertainment purposes only and have no knowledge of the podcast's particulars.
PSA: No Set Schedule
PSA: No Set Schedule
Send over your dead SMS messages. Greetings, listeners! It is with much deliberation that I have decided to change the release schedule for…
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June 18, 2024

PSA: No Set Schedule

PSA: No Set Schedule

Send over your dead SMS messages.

Greetings, listeners! It is with much deliberation that I have decided to change the release schedule for this podcast to "no set schedule". It wasn't a decision I made hastily. However, after realizing that I couldn't delegate my scripting or relegate the folklore to artificial entities, lazy deities, or spirited ghosts, I decided this was the only way forward for me. The duties of the Underworld are endless, my creativity is boundless, but time is precious, so our officially unofficial weekly schedule, (Olympian family willing), will be as follows: 

Toss-Up Tuesday: Anything goes 
Trailer Thursday: You'll get a sneak peek into the next full-length episode so you know I'm putting my money where my mouth is.
Story Sunday: My Olympian family will tell some story from the treasure trove of folklore, twisted or otherwise. It may be sung, read, or adlibbed. I'll give them license to decide how they tell their tales. 

If you have any commentary, questions, or complaints, send those dead letters to and be well.